


science talk


frequently asked questions





Kids 9-11 Years - Workshop Option A



Hazards Mitigation
Cryogenics: Learn about the field of cryogenics, see the effect of cryogenic temperatures on everyday items, check out super-levitation and watch a short movie on super-fluid helium phenomenon - CHILL OUT! 

Liquid nitrogen can burn you!

Stay in the safe area

Don’t touch the liquid nitrogen


The Big Bang: Learn about the secrets of the universe! Find out about the mysteries of matter and anti-matter in this NEW hands-on workshop – FEEL THE FORCE!


You could get wet


Listen to your instructor


Vacuum: Experience the discipline that is required to make a good vacuum. You will mount flanges and leak-check a vacuum system. Watch the effect of a vacuum on different materials- SUCK IT IN!


Cuts, bumps, scrapes from dropping or slipping tools


Follow instructions when using tools

Use safety glasses


Electronics 1: Build a continuity checker complete with test leads and indicator light. Work one on one with an electronics tech to strip, solder and assemble the unit that you will take home - ZAP!


You could burn yourself or solder could “pop” into your eye or you could cut yourself with wire strippers


Pick- up a hot soldering iron ONLY by the handle; keep the tip and the metal barrel away from fingers, skin, clothing

Strip wire away from you, other kids or solid objects and keep your fingers away from the cutting edges

Kids 9 to 11 years - Option A  or Option B or Option C    Kids 12 years & up - Option D or Option E or Option F

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Teresa Troxel  June 30, 2005