
Young Particle Physicists

Meeting of April 19, 2002

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Invitation [The complete invitation email invites to the meeting and explains YPP at SLAC.]

Dear young physicist,

in times of tight budgets, public outreach for science and especially the picture of science in the Press are of even greater importance than ever. Have you ever thought about how you would convice a jounalist, why the research you are doing is exciting and of a great value to society?  Do you feel you could use some tips and techniques on how to deal with journalists?  Come to this meeting to profit from the insights of an expert.

We are glad to invite you to SLAC YPP's next meeting

"How to get the Press your Physics deserves"

with Neil Calder,

Director of SLAC's Office for Communications

on  Friday, April 19, 2002

at 2:00 pm

in the Orange Room

Neil Calder has recently joint SLAC as the new Director for Communications.  He has worked in a similar position at CERN before. In his presentation he will give us a checklist of practical techniques that can help when dealing with journalists:
What do journalists want?  Why are some science stories successful while others bomb?  What are the protocols between scientists and the Press? How to react under criticism.  How to get bad press!

Coffee and cookies will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you all there:

the YPP@SLAC core team

Transparencies and Notes

Welcome and Introductions Wolfgang Walkowiak
Presentation Neil Calder

Page last updated by Wolfgang Walkowiak on 04/22/02