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Subject: Invitation to SLAC YPP's "HEP funding 101"

To: Young physicists (in non-tenured, non-permanent positions)
    [We apologize in case this doesn't apply to you, but if you have young physicists at your institution who didn't receive this email, please let them know.  Thank you.]

Dear young physicist,

Are you curious about the funding situation in high-energy physics? Are you interested in understanding how the funding process works in the United States? Would you like to meet other young physicists?

If so, we would like to invite you as a young physicist working on experiments, theory or accelerators at SLAC to join us for

                  SLAC YPP's "HEP Funding 101"


                    Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002

                           at 12:00 pm

                  in the ORANGE ROOM    <--- Please note room change!

Professor Jonathan Dorfan, Director of SLAC, will give a brief presentation on funding in high-energy physics, and then throw open the session to questions from the floor.

Limited lunchtime refreshments will be provided, so you are strongly encouraged to RSVP to if you plan to attend and would like something to eat!

Please respond by Feb 10th.

We look forward to seeing you all there:

        Ben Brau                     (
        Chris Potter                 (
        Abi Soffer                   (
        Wolfgang Walkowiak  (
        Amanda Weinstein      (

P.S.:  In case you are interested in YPP but you are not able to attend the meeting, please email Wolfgang to be put on our mailing list for future information.

What is YPP?

YPP is a global organization of young particle physicists which originated as the Young Physicsts Panel at Fermilab and has been very active at the Snowmass 2001 workshop.  The number of people involved grew at Snowmass and the organization was renamed to Young Particle Physicists.  The organization is currently in the phase of founding local chapters at particle physics laboratories and universities worldwide. We include experimentalists, theorists and accelerator physicists in our field.  YPP is working on issues concerning young physicists in our field.  At Snowmass we had three working groups on the following topics: 'Outreach', 'Globalization' and 'Balancing and Building the Field'. For more details on the global YPP organization as well as on current working groups please see

Who is a 'young physicist'?

'Young physicist' according to the definition of YPP is a person who is not tenured and not a permanent staff member.

Additional Information

Please visit our webpage for additional information on YPP@SLAC:
Information on the global YPP organization is found at:

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Last updated 02/15/02 by Wolfgang Walkowiak