
Index to VLHC files at Snowmass 2001

Peter H. Garbincius – July 3, 2001

garbincius@fnal.gov - phone:  923-3772


These files are located at:



Also can reach by clicking:

      My network places

             Snowmass Public on Snowmassserver

                   Working Group T6



(Note: all files are also copied to T6 pages at SLAC web server.  (A.S. July 30, 2001))



Note:  it appears that Excel and Word are very slow opening

      and closing these files from my folder.  I would suggest

      draging the files to desktop and opening them from there.

      It is much faster.


cna_20may01.xls      costing spreadsheet (with geology)


conroy_report.doc     Pete Conroy’s geology report at VLHC

conroy_figures.doc    Meeting at Long Island, October, 200


north_lampshades.xls        geologic sections around 233 km

south_lampshade.xls         VLHC rings studied (note plural

west_lampshade.xls         north_lampshades.xls)


ew-section.jpg         geologic slices through Fermilab

ns-blowup.jpg         from Illinois State Geologic Survey






Internet Explorer Links to:

***   cna_report.pdf         Draft costing exercise (27june01)

      north_flat.pdf          geology-tunneling-scheduling circle

      north_inclined.pdf     geology-tunneling-scheduling circle

      south_inclined.pdf     geology-tunneling-scheduling circle

note:  if you have trouble using the IE links, you can try my website (watch the underscores _) at:

***               home.fnal.gov/~peterg/cna_report_27june01.pdf


