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Garden Club Meeting Summary -- April 8, 1998   

The following is a summary of the topics discussed at our April 8 meeting. Please contact me at ext. 2014 or at with questions or comments. See the updates below.


The group decided to try to purchase another load of mushroom compost. Last year the cost was $330. If we can get it again at or near this price, it will be ordered and paid for from the dues fund. I will contact the vendor. I will also contact G. Irwin to see if we can get another load of sawdust/manure.


Gene Alvarado (ext. 2135, MS 91) offered to do the rototilling of plots this year. Please contact Gene directly if you want your plot(s) tilled. You must pay Gene yourself. This will not be paid out of the garden fund.


Use it or Lose it

Plots must be actively worked by Monday, May 18, or you will lose the plot -- even if you have paid your dues. We continue to have folks on the waiting list. I'll be walking the garden are on Monday, May 18, at noon and will contact the gardeners who will lose their plots. You are all welcome to join me for the walk-through.


Updates since the Meeting

P.A. Moore reports that Al Kientzler surveyed the garden area and he will have the dumpster emptied, the other "junk" removed, and the gardners will cut the weeds, hopefully all by the end of next week
Please remove, cutoff, or drive in the thin metal rods we are using in the garden to mark the plots. These are considered to be impalement hazards and must be taken care of ASAP. I'm trying to find caps for the rods, but so far, no luck.
Please make rental checks out to Karen McClenahan & Bernie Lighthouse. Our new account is set up in their names to avoid the $9 monthly charge.
The mushroom compost, all 30 yards of it, is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow - 4/16/98 - in the late morning. This will be paid for out of club dues.
