Winning 2009 Logo Design









Welcome to Kids Day @ SLAC 2009


The Kids Day @ SLAC program needs SLAC staff volunteers to be escort during the event. If you are willing and able to help for a couple of hours on Friday, August 14, please register online or contact Michelle Steger, x3011. We can use you whether you are a parent or sponsor or not. We need help as follows:

  • 9:00 to 11:30 AM Workshop Escorts 24 people
  • 12:15 to 2:30 PM Workshop Escorts 24 people

There will be 1 escort for every 5 children. Sponsors and parents are encouraged but not required to participate as escorts. This is a great opportunity to see the fascinating shops and programs at SLAC, meet other interesting staff members, and help SLAC serve the needs of our children and our communities.

If you are unable to attend the event, you must obtain a replacement and Michelle Steger needs to be notified as soon as possible with any changes.

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Last update: July 18, 2009