Welcome to Kids Day @ SLAC 2008


The Kids Day @ SLAC program needs SLAC staff volunteers. If you are willing and able to help for a couple of hours on Friday, August 15, please contact Michelle Steger steger@slac.stanford.edu, x3011. We can use you whether you are a parent or sponsor or not. We need help as follows:

  • 9:00 to 11:30 AM Workshop Escorts 24 people
  • 12:15 to 2:30 PM Workshop Escorts 24 people

There will be 1 escort for every 5 children. Sponsors and parents are encouraged but not required to participate as escorts. This is a great opportunity to see the fascinating shops and programs at SLAC, meet other interesting staff members, and help SLAC serve the needs of our children and our communities.

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Last update: August 11, 2008