E163 civil constr. meeting 7/28/04.



R. Siemann, E. Colby, D. Palmer, S. Zalog, D. Amador, H. Shin, D. Walz, R. Noble.


Dino Amador brought final version of electrical/cable tray layout and panel schedules for B225 connection to ESB.


Sam Zalog will install the disconnects on B225; work should be complete by Friday 7/30.


All cable tray is available, and brackets expected to arrive by Friday or Monday 8/2, according to Dino. Bayspan electricians are busy with work associated with shutdown preparations. Dino will contact Leanne Robinson to determine if additional Bayspan personnel are available to work on E163 tasks.


Priority will be given to electrical work needed to provide power connections for the

E163 laser clean room installation, which is scheduled to occur during August 19 - Sept 14. B225 electrical work will be done as electricians are available.


Harry Shin brought the Flowstar frame drawing. Mike Bennet of Flowstar will visit the site Thursday 7/29 to discuss a possible disparity in frame dimensions.

Seismic documents are scheduled to be submitted Thursday by Flowstar, and will undergo a SLAC peer review.


Harry sent a sketch of the B225 fire sprinkler layout to Cal Protection to aid in their hydraulic calculations for the sprinkler reconnection. Harry will also look into the requirements for the deck width and ramp pitch outside B225.


Additional information about the E163 experiment can be found at:


Meeting minutes posted at:

