E163 civil constr. meeting 7/21/04.



R. Siemann, E. Colby, D. Palmer, S. Zalog, R. Principe, D. Amador, R. Reek, D. Walz, R. Noble.


Discussion focused on upcoming cable tray and electrical installations for B225.


Dino Amador brought final version of electrical/cable tray layout and panel schedules for B225 connection to ESB. Seismic design of tray supports was signed off by Pran Kaul. Eric and Sam Zalog will review the layout and get back to Dino on Thursday 7/22.


All cable tray is available, and brackets under order to arrive next week, according to Dino. Sam has the new clean power panel for ESB and

B225 disconnect switches, which will go to Bayspan for their installation.

Sam will do all work after the disconnects. He can start Monday 7/26.


Additional information about the E163 experiment can be found at:


Meeting minutes posted at:

