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Garden Club Meeting Summary
February 10, 1999   

The following is a summary of the topics discussed at our February 10th meeting. Please contact me at ext. 2014 or at with questions or comments. Updates will be posted when available.

Update, 3/11/99

Mushroom compost will be delivered on Monday, March 15. The garden club will pick up the cost. Please share!


The garden area is not an auxiliary dump! Please do not store items in the garden that are not intended for your garden. The camper shell is scheduled to be hauled away, as soon as the ground dries up a bit. The dumpster is intended for garden debris and weeds. Do not throw your junk down the hill between the upper and lower level of plots -- some folks are reclaiming these areas for planting.

Rich Torres will contact the appropriate folks to have the dumpster emptied.


Do no use rebar or similar metal stakes as plant/fence supports. Metal stakes need to be over 5 feet tall or they will be considered to be an impalement hazard. My husband and I spent most of a Saturday last fall pulling out all the rebar. We don't want to do it again!


The group decided to try to purchase another load of mushroom compost. Last year the cost was $317.30. If we can get it again at or near this price, it will be ordered and paid for from the dues fund. I will contact the vendor and see when the compost can be delivered. We want it before the rototilling, by mid-March if possible.


Gene Alvarado (ext. 2135, MS 91) offered to do the rototilling of plots again this year. Details will follow on how to mark your plot for tilling and when it will occur.You must pay Gene yourself. This will not be paid out of the garden fund.


Use it or Lose it

Plots must be actively worked by Monday, May 17, or you will lose the plot -- even if you have paid your dues. We continue to have folks on the waiting list. I'll be walking the garden are on Monday, May 17, at noon and will contact the gardeners who will lose their plots. You are all welcome to join me for the walk-through. If there are funds available, the club may pay to have the unused plots cleared so they don't infest neighboring plots with weeds.

